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Showing posts from September, 2019

There's a steam table near you!

Good morning America there’s a steam table somewhere near you and I bet you’d joy it as much as I do!

Quick update!

Hey Folks, I'm still out here and still volunteering! Some of my projects have been moving slower than I would like due to my work schedule recently. Simply put I went from a man with all the time in the World to a man that could barely find time to breathe in his day. Isn't this always the case? It's either "hurry up and wait", or start a new project that you really enjoy and then have no time left in your day to do it. Things are getting back on track for me so I'm going to start finishing up some writings, interviews, and photos soon. I just thought I would share my hours to show just how little time is needed to pop into the mission and help out. Most of these have been serving breakfast. I'm trying to make sure I get in twice a week. Once you get into a flow with the volunteering it becomes important to your soul. Give it a try if you can! Best, Robert Date Hours 09-13-2019 0:55 09-06-2019 1:06 09-05-2019 0:40 08-28-2019 0:42 08-27